Your Personal Information
As part of providing a service to you, we need to collect personal information which may include your name, contact details such as address, phone numbers, date of birth, marital status, number of children you have, as well as details of issues which you have been discussing with your counsellor.
The purpose of keeping these records is entirely for the purpose of providing a service that most effectively meets your needs. Clients’ files are held in a secure location. They are kept for 7 years after you cease seeling your counsellor. In the case of children’s files, they are help until your child turns 25. After which point these files are confidentially destroyed.
From time to time the counsellor may be consulting with their supervisor and information about your counselling sessions may be discussed. These communications are confidential and the purpose of the supervisions is to enhance the quality of care you receive. At these times your details are de-identified.
Unless there are agreed exceptions, it is a condition of booking that we securely store client credit card details. They will be stored with bank-level security, encrypted and tokenised. It will be impossible for our staff or indeed any person alive to read or access them. This is requested in order to provide a professional and secure payment experience for clients.